Discover Your Infinite Potential, Transform Your Life, and Unleash Your Magnificence


Discover Your Infinite Potential, Transform Your Life, and Unleash Your Magnificence







Do you feel a deep sense that something fundamental is missing in this journey of life?

Are you feeling disconnected from a deeper sense of meaning and purpose?

Do you know who you really are?

Are you living your soul's true calling?

Isn't it time to heal the wounds that still keep you stuck?

We inevitably arrive at adulthood with broken hearts, scarred and wounded by the events of our past. This often creates uncertainty and anxiety about what the future may hold for us. We unconsciously develop painful patterns of negative thoughts and protective strategies that keep us stuck in challenging emotions, difficult relationship dynamics, low self worth, and unfulfilled potential.

From the moment we are born, we are expected to fit into other people’s ideas of who and what we are. These ideologies continue as we mature and by the time we are adults, we’ve seldom had any time to stop and consider the true nature of life and our being. Very few of us have ever been actively encouraged during our younger years, to explore and take the necessary time to contemplate the age-old question; “Who am I?”

After we’ve been programmed by our parents, teachers and others of influence, on what is important and crucial for our happiness, we keep running towards it; only to arrive at a certain point later in life, to discover we’ve been chasing all the wrong things. Tragically, too many of us arrive at this later point in life, having neglected the quiet incessant calling of our Soul.

Are you constantly battling with your demons?

Searching for meaning?

Anxious about the future?

Haunted by the wounds and events of your past?

Still severely criticising yourself and others?

Disillusioned by the promises of unfulfilled love and broken relationships?

Lacking self-worth and struggling with boundaries?

Self-sabotaging and procrastinating on your dreams?

Right now we as a people stand at a crucial juncture in our human journey, a point where the clamour of what we are told to value drowns out the voice of what we truly need. This incessant interference, crafted and programmed by an unseen system that values profit and problems over purpose and progress, has duped us into believing that the essence of life is found in the relentless pursuit of material success and ego satisfaction.

We have been programmed, not to live, but merely to exist within a framework that values achievement over authenticity. We must ask ourselves, have we sacrificed the depth of genuine human experience for the shallowness of momentary gains?
This system, our silent adversary, engineers a society that idolises the transient – wealth, status, acquisition – while neglecting the enduring values that truly define a life well-lived: compassion, care, connection, oneness and the pursuit of purpose.

The truth, however, is profound in its simplicity. We are not here merely to be conditioned players in a game of superficial successes. We are here to resonate with the experiences that make us human, to embrace the voice within that yearns not for the approval of the crowd.

Let us, each in our own voice, reject the narrative that we are defined by what we have and not by who we are.

Let us reclaim the narrative of our lives and redefine what it means to truly live. Let the voice of intuition, not indoctrination, guide our paths.

Let us build a legacy not of possessions, but of the profound impact we have on those around us and the genuine connections we create.

We can rise above the commotion of conditioning. We can live not as echoes of an imposed identity, but as voices of our own truths. The time has come not merely to exist within the system, but to live beyond it.

Are you longing for something more – a yearning for connection, for change, for a life of purpose, passion and unyielding empowerment. To fulfil your potential. To live a life by design rather than by default.

Are you ready to hear the calling?

This is a call on each individual to awaken to their true potential and live a life of authentic expression, transcending the superficial measures of success imposed by societal norms.

Rather than the limiting patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours you’ve found yourself in; this is a call into the core of who you are, to live with freedom, in your true essence

Deep Understanding

Become aware of the invisible forces behind why we do the things we do while discovering the unique values and motivations that shape how we think, feel and act.

FIND Your true Purpose

Discover your life’s purpose. Gain clarity on what truly drives you and learn how to align your daily actions with your deepest values, leading to a more fulfilling and directed life.

Oneness and Spiritual Growth

INFINITE merges cutting-edge scientific research with ancient wisdom to offer you powerful strategies for spiritual ascension. Methods proven to enhance mindfulness, increase emotional intelligence, and foster a deep sense of oneness.

Realign your core values and start living the life you desire and deserve.

At the heart of INFINITE lies a profound journey into the very core of our beings, a quest not only for understanding but for awakening. It is here, in the sacred spaces between our dreams and our realities, that we find the courage to question, the strength to believe, and the voice to speak our deepest truths into existence. This is not merely an event; it is a convergence of souls, each on their own path yet united by a shared longing for something more – a life of purpose, passion, and unyielding empowerment.

The journey of transformation is pivotal where the voice within becomes clear and resonant, guiding you towards your ultimate destination. INFINITE is not just about finding answers; it’s about discovering the right questions, the ones that shake us to our core and compel us to open our hearts and minds to the vast possibilities of our existence.
Welcome to an incredible journey of self-discovery, wellness, and deep healing — a sanctuary for manifesting self-love, inner-peace, and renewal. This holistic event is a fully immersive experience designed to completely nourish the body, mind, and soul.

INFINITE is a unique blend of guided meditation, content-rich workshops, inner child work, breath work, therapy and interventions with deep self-reflection activities, led by master facilitators. This event provides you with the perfect environment to discover and know your deepest and most authentic self. Concepts rooted in spiritual psychology will help you peel back the layers of your ‘false-self’ and expose the underlying limiting paradigms that planted themselves in your psyche during your earliest years of childhood.

Feel supported and loved during this process as you forge deep and meaningful connections with fellow like-minded and open-hearted souls. Head back into the world feeling revitalised, rejuvenated, renewed and completely inspired for the next chapter of your life.

This is your opportunity to connect with yourself at a profoundly deep level, while you engage in activities and processes designed to enable and empower you to let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Transformative Experiences
INFINITE is more than just a pause from the ordinary; it’s an opportunity for a powerful personal transformation. Engage in transformative experiences that empower you to engineer and embrace the positive changes you seek. Expert facilitators will guide you through workshops, activities, and exercises designed to remove unconscious blocks, unlock your latent potential, release your joy, and cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment.
Discover Your Inner Self
Embark on a voyage of self-discovery as you explore the depths of your being. This carefully crafted program encourages stillness, introspection and self-reflection, allowing you to connect with your innermost self, thoughts and desires. Daily workshops, deep guided meditations, Heart Coherence, mindful practices and exercises will help you uncover the layers of your ‘false-self’, which are the cause of so much of our suffering. Awareness of the paradigms that create the ‘false-self’ provide the opportunity for deeper healing. This then gives rise to your true self and helps you lay the foundation for more authentic self expression.
Wellness Redefined
Experience a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses the body, mind, and spirit – from sessions that harmonise movement and breath, to being in nature that rejuvenate the senses and enhances vitality that supports your journey back to optimal health and increased energy.

What can you expect from INFINITE

✔︎ A deeper understanding of your true self, your emotions and your true purpose

✔︎ Profound insights and renewed freedom around your personal patterns

✔︎ Manage stress and setbacks powerfully with cutting edge processes

✔︎ Communicate with certainty and express yourself and your feelings with freedom

✔︎ Increased levels of self-mastery and emotional maturity

✔︎ Cultivate loving relationship with yourself and others

✔︎ Heal your inner-child and psychic wounds

✔︎ Increased sense of joy and gratitude for life

✔︎ More clarity and deep feelings of self-worth

✔︎ Experience liberating forgiveness – for yourself and others

Your Awakening is not just an opportunity; it’s a calling to the very essence of who you are and who you’re destined to be. Answer it with everything you’ve got. Your future self is counting on you.

Award Winning, Highly Trained Team

Imran Ahmed

Inspirational Speaker, Trainer and Interventionist

Dr Clair Burley

Clinical Psychologist and Speaker

Allan Kleynhans

Inspirational Speaker, Facilitator and Interventionist

Dr Alisha Damani

Speaker and Wellness Expert

We are seasoned practitioners of transformational practices. We have a combined experience of creating change for over seven decades. We’ve helped thousands of people through their transformational journey of using the most effective methods from Psychology and HUMAN CHANGE models.

We’ve combined the most powerful processes available in human change, dissolving blockages through; Trauma Healing, Reality Imprinting, Somatic Integration, Belief Evolution, Identity Embodiment and Spiritual Awakening.


We offer something unique that you won’t find anywhere else.

Your Investment

“Dive into inspiring experiences, unlock your potential, and embrace transformative opportunities that will shape your future. Cultivate new skills, foster meaningful connections, and discover the best version of yourself.”




Discover Your Infinite Potential, Transform Your Life, and Unleash Your Magnificence

Dates for 2025:
30 Jan - 2 Feb 25,
1-4 May 25,
25-29 Sept 25

calendar icon clock icon 9am - 8pm
euro icon £997
place icon Heathrow

Book a Call

Book a call with one of our team members and explore how INFINITE can help you unlock your true potential, harness your intuition, and make meaningful shifts in your life and leadership. This is your opportunity to ask questions, share your vision, and discover if this transformative experience is the right path for you.

Client Testimonials

What Our Clients Have To Say

Owen Davies

Husband, Father and Businessman

I have had a full 2 weeks to reflect upon your workshop and I feel the need to write and to tell you what a profoundly moving experience it was. Having recently sustained the emotional devastation of an unexpected divorce after 30 years of marriage, I finally found someone who knew the person that was required to repair my shattered mind; me! I feel as if I have been put through a spiritual sandblasting machine. What a joy! I only wish that I had met with you 30 years ago and I would like to book my daughter Niki into your October course.

Marc Siljebrandt

Owner, Decor Installations

I felt the need to write to you again and tell you that since doing your amazing seminar, my life just keeps getting better. I have done lots of personal development, read many books and recently completed the Mind Power seminar with Robin Banks, but nothing compares to the powerful shift I have felt since doing your fire walk! The tools are fantastic! Not only do I understand others and myself better than I ever have, but even more amazing, is the fact I have gone from R80 000 in sales per month to a staggering R179 000 per month! My confidence is soaring. Now that’s real results! Thank you again.

Cindy Allan

Director, The Holiday Club

For me it was mostly about self-belief and confidence and disregarding my fear of failure. I continually worried about what people thought of me and ran myself down. This seminar was just what I needed – not only did we examine our beliefs and values and hear how to manage our ‘state’ in order to create an extraordinary life, but we practised various techniques to ensure lasting change! The test at the end, walking over fire, just proved the power of my mind! It was a very emotional day, discovering who I am and who I want to be. It is all about personal development and was a truly awesome experience! I am feeling very positive about life and excited for the future. Allan is an amazing person and exceptional speaker, he will have you riveted to your seat!

Book a call with one of the team to talk about whether INFINITE is right for you.

Book your place. You’ll be fully supported and guided by our team throughout.

You’ll have access to all of the content via our online platform so you’re able to rewatch sections if you would like to.

If you need ongoing support after the course there are ways you can continue your journey with us.

Your Next Chapter Begins Now

Step into INFINITE, where the journey of self-discovery transcends the boundaries of the ordinary. Guided by the wisdom of self mastery, this is where your essence becomes the bridge between your deepest truths and the reality you wish to create. We invite you to an unparalleled event where psychology meets the soul, intuition dances with the heart, and enlightenment begins with the power of your purpose. Discover the art of presence and how it can illuminate the path to your most empowered self. INFINITE is not just an event; it’s the gateway to a life where every word you speak and every breath you take brings you closer to your authentic power. Join us, and let your awakening be the key to unlocking a world of INFINITE possibilities.

The path to your most empowered self begins here


Are you ready to embark on a journey beyond the ordinary, to explore the depths of your own being and discover the true essence of fulfilment? The path to self-actualisation begins with understanding who you are at the deepest level and realising the infinite potential that lies within you. Download our Blueprint for Fulfilment and unlock the wisdom needed to transcend the mundane and awaken to a life of profound meaning and purpose. This will provide you with the insights needed to break free from limiting beliefs, align with your purpose, and envisage a life filled with emotional riches and deep meaning. Download your Blueprint for Fulfilment today!